The SAFE UKRAINE 2030 team comprises the best professionals on local and global security management of Ukraine, Europe and the World.
Erik de Vries, CPP, PSP is a recognized crisis and security management expert with a broad experience and a great deal of involvement in the field of security.
He is owner/director of DutchRisk and Chair of the newly formed European Regional Board of Directors. He is also a member of the ASIS International Crisis Management & Business Continuity Community. He advises, trains and coaches many board level crisis teams - varying from multinationals to SME’s - to be prepared for crises through challenging scenario-based exercises. Exercises offer insights in challenging contemporary scenarios and are conducted either on-site or remote via online platforms.
Erik has more than twenty-two years of experience in the crisis & security profession, including fifteen years of experience conducting CPP, PSP, PCI or APP certification courses. He coaches security managers and security management teams as a strictly independent consultant.
Member of Safe Ukraine 2030 Supervisory Board, Chairman
of the European RBD at
ASIS International