Experts of the Fund “SAFE UKRAINE 2030” Conduct Research on International Experience of Partnerships Between Special Services and the Non-Governmental Sector in the National Security Sphere and Its Importance for Ukraine.
The research concluded that effective partnerships between special services and private enterprises in the interest of national security are a well-established international practice. In certain cases, such partnerships serve as the only means to enhance the efficiency of special services, particularly in conditions of staff and resource shortages. This practice aligns with both international and national legal standards.
The results of the research have been published in a scientific journal by the State Scientific Institution "Institute of Information, Security, and Law" of the National Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine (
The article highlights international examples of such partnerships, citing projects like "Griffin", "ECSA – CERBERUS", and "ProtectUK", as well as the activities of private intelligence and security companies. The study identifies promising avenues to strengthen the capabilities of Ukraine’s special services through partnerships with private enterprises and their security divisions, including:
the creation of security platforms (educational and information-communication in nature);
the collection and processing of operationally significant information to ensure national security both domestically and abroad;
assistance in utilizing existing and developing new software products for identifying individuals who pose a threat to Ukraine's national security, documenting their criminal activities, and more;
conducting analytical research and summarizing large datasets in the interest of national security;
training personnel to operate in modern conditions, including the use of advanced technologies.
The research also emphasized the need for clear legal regulation of the rights and obligations of the parties involved in such partnerships.
Additionally, this topic was discussed during the International Scientific and Practical Conference "The Security Service of Ukraine In Wartime: Current Realities and Innovative Strategies for Ensuring National Security", organized by the Security Service of Ukraine, in collaboration with Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University and the OSCE Support Programme for Ukraine (